Paramcharya Swami Parameshwarananda
Swamiji is presently theResident Spiritual Master atThe Temple of
Consciousness in Crestone, Colorado.He started practicing meditation in
1994. In 1996 Swamijimet Sai Maa, andin 2002 becameone of Sai Maa's
Master Teachers and Personal Session Practitioners.
Swamijiholds anM.A. in Psychology and aPh.D. inOrganizational
Psychology from New York University. He led the Bay Area Sai Maa Center
for 6 years, including group meditations, teaching and seva.In addition,
he designed and delivered personal/leadership/team development programs
and provided individual/group coaching during 25 years of consulting to
organizations. Parameshwarananda is also fluent in French and often
teaches intensives in France. |
Dr. Rebecca Anderson, D.O.
Dr. Rebecca Anderson met Sai Maa in 1999, and knew in
that instantthat her goal of enlightenment could be realized through Sai
Maa.Dr.Rebecca has been a master teacher and practitioner of
personalsessions since 2002, and a member of the Unity Council (Humanity
InUnity'sBoard of Directors) since 2003. She resides in Indianapolis,
Indiana and has apractice as an osteopathic physician.Her choice is to
help othersrealize it is their divine birthright to know enlightenment.
Roger Gabriel
According to the Naadi Jyotishees, Roger spent his last
life living in Kerala in South India. But, as a result of certain
misguided deeds, it became necessary for him to reincarnate, this time
in England, where he spent his formative years. In an attempt to rectify
his accumulated karmic debts, he decided on a more service-to-humanity
lifestyle, this time around.
His connection with India led him to learn meditation in the early 70s.
This instantly became his passion and he soon gave up his fledgling
career in business management to study and train to be a meditation
teacher, moving to the United States a few years later. When the wisdom
of Ayurveda began appearing in the West in the early 80s, it seemed a
natural progression for Roger to begin studying this ancient system of
healthcare. While helping to establish centers for Ayurveda and
meditation in the US, he met Deepak Chopra and began assisting him with
his seminars and workshops. Roger has taught thousands of people on all
continents to meditate and trained another several hundred to be
meditation teachers.
Roger first met Sai Maa in 2002, has traveled with Her in India and
joined Her teaching team in 2004. Roger became a Personal Session
Practitioner in 2005.When not with Sai Maa, Roger alternates his time
between teaching workshops and leading groups on spiritual tours of
Dagini Amba
Although Dagini Amba was born in Philadelphia, she is now at home in
the majestic Rocky Mountains. Dagini returned to the United States in
October 2003 after spending a year with Sai Maa in India.She is a
personal assistant of Sai Maa and a gifted yoga instructor. |
Dayananda Brahmachari
Dayananda, one of Sai Maa's Master Teachers, is now acting as the
ashram teaching team seva lead also serves as HHSai Maa's personal cook
when She is in town. He was born in Australia and raised in the sacred
land of Israel. "In the grace of the mother, in the grace of Her
Holiness Sai Maa,
I AM loving you and serving you, my beloved family of light." |
Bob Bunshaft
Bobs early career focused on service managing a drug intervention
center and funding a shelter for abused women. In May of 1971, he began
his active spiritual practice leading to spiritual teaching in 1974.
Along the way, he embarked on the more traditional path; getting an MBA
and moving from entrepreneurial start ups to nine years as an executive
with Time Warner all the while keeping up his spiritual practice. As
grace would have it, his practice became routine and flat. The original
spark of Shakti had become overshadowed by the demands of daily life.
Enter Sai Maa. In August of 2001, he walked into a NY church one Friday
evening to hear a female saint speak. He doesnt know exactly what
happened that evening but it stuck. Bob has been working with Sai Maa
ever since. In May of 2004, Bob became both a Master Teacher and
Personal Session Practitioner. Affectionately known as Mensch, Bob lives
and teaches in Southern California as well as works in Marketing
Management and Business Development. His vision is to integrate the
light into all aspects of life including business. |
John Casey
After meeting Sai Maa for the 1st time in November 2003, John best
describes his ongoing experience of Maa with a quote from don Juan:
"It is the consistent choice of the path with heart
Which makes the warrior different from the average man.
He knows that a path has heart when he is one with it, When he experiences a great peace and pleasure traversing its length."
When you do The Work with Sai Maa you can't help but place your feet
firmly on "The Path with a Heart. All of your lifes experiences
integrate is such a momentous way.
John is a student of the Master Teacher program and a Personal
Session Practitioner. He has 25 years of Sales & Marketing
experience in the Consumer Electronics industry, is an NLP Master
Trainer, a Reiki practitioner and has years of study & play in the
metaphysical world. He lives in the mountains of Boulder, Colorado with
his wife Phyllis & daughter/ teacher Marissa. |
Liliane Cattalano
Liliane is co-leader of Sai Maas activities in France. After several
meetings with Sai Maa in France, Liliane stayed with Her at the ashram
of Bet Lar in 2003. Deeply touched by the transformational power of this
experience, Liliane was drawn to sharing the beauty and depth of Sai
Maas teaching with others. Since then, Liliane has organized workshops,
meetings and group meditations on a regular basis in Paris area, some of
them blessed with the presence of Sai Maa or the Master Teachers.
Liliane joined the HIU teaching team in 2005.
Liliane teaches English and Communication at a French university. She
is a knowledgeable student of Sanskrit and Hindu Philosophy focusing
her research on the Kashmir Shiva Tantric tradition. Liliane fell in
love with India, especially the Himalayas where she travelled every year
to receive Shiva Tantric and Shamanic teachings from her first
spiritual Master.
Liliane is a long-time practitioner of Tai Chi and Yoga, experiencing
the body as a precious ally and sacred tool for expanding awareness of
the Universal Breath, Energy, and Divine Joy. |
Lewis (Natarajbhai) Denbaum
Natarajbhai knew he had to meet Sai Maa when he heard the Shma Israel
chant CD created by Sai Maa in Israel. During his first weekend
intensive with Sai Maa in September 2002, Sai Maa expressed Her interest
in teaching with him and having him work with Humanity in Unity (HIU).
Both have been realized as Natarajbhai joined the Unity Council in 2003
as a Board member and as legal counsel and the Master Teaching Team in
Natarajbhai began a daily meditation practice in 1971, became a
meditation instructor on a 6-month in-residence teacher training course
in 1975. He later received advanced meditation training on two 6-week
retreats and another 6-month in-residence training course. In addition
to initiating people into meditation practice, he taught advanced
meditation courses, both in a classroom setting and on week-long
Natarajbhai has been involved with sacred mens circles, both as a
member and as a leader, since 1994, having attended mens training
weekends under the auspices of A. Justin Sterling, David Deida, and the
Mankind Project (New Warriors).
Natarajbhai works in Fairfield, Iowa as General Counsel and Chief Financial Officer to a national photography company. |
Elizabeth Denton, Ph.D.
Liz is the Co-Author ofA Spiritual Audit of Corporate America,
(Jossey-Bass, 1999), a past President of the Metropolitan New York
Association for Applied Psychology, and holds a Ph.D. in Counseling
Psychology. Liz has worked for the past 20 years consulting to business
as organizational psychologist. Liz has served Humanity In Unity and Sai
Maa in many capacities since meeting Sai Maa in 1997. Liz organized Sai
Maa's first New York City Intensive in 1998, served as the seva co-lead
for annual retreats in 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, the co-lead for
theAsbury Park intensives in2004, and the lead for special events, such
as the evening lectures with Sai Maa and Marianne Williamson in 2004 and
2005. In addition, Liz is the NYC/Northeast Sai Ma Center co-lead, has
served on the HIU Board of Directors since 2003 and has been a Master
Teacher since 2004. Liz has also served as Sai Maa's liaison with other
spiritual leaders and dignitaries, and has served in a public relations
capacity, e.g., orchestrating Sai Maa's participation in Assembly and
Parliament of the World's Religions (2004), Global Women's Gathering
(2004), Annual Conference of the Association for Global New Thought
(2004), various television and radio interviews. |
Reiko Namita Dewey
Reiko Namita Dewey is an instructor and practitioner in the fields of
The Art of Sacred Touch, Visionary Craniosacral Work and Continuum
Movement. She has integrated her love and understanding of movement,
energy healing and esoteric knowledge into her healing and teaching
In 1994 Namita encountered a life changing experience that encouraged
her to leave a successful career in finance to pursue studies in
bodywork and healing, Unfolding into a new direction, Namita also
traveled to various sacred sites around the world and studied sacred
geometries and their relationship to the human experience and healing.
This journey has led Namita to her spiritual practice and to a new
realization of the Human Condition. Namita first met Sai Maa in
September 2001, who has been a powerful influence in her life since. She
joined the teaching team and personal session practitioner team in
Namita apprenticed for three years in Visionary Craniosacral Work
with Hugh Milne of the Milne Institute, where she subsequently taught
for several years. She is an authorized Continuum Movement teacher,
Neuroenergetic Releaase practitioner, and a registered Esalen Massage
Practitioner. She is also a trained facilitator of the Flower of Life
Teachings as presented by Drunvalo Melchizedek, and a ministerial
candidate with energy healer Reverend Rosalyn Bruyere of the Healing
Light Center Church. She currently teaches and practices in the Palo
Alto area in California, and teaches nationally. |
Norma Feldman, MSW
For the past 15 years, Norma has been conducting healing andspiritual
transformation workshops throughout the United States. Sheis a
Certified Master Practitioner of NLP, a hypnotherapist, trainedin all
energy psychology modalities, and the use of the Enneagram to transcend
the personality and reside in Essence.She has been a featured presenter
at International Energy PsychologyConferences for 5 years.
A former Director of Management Development for a Fortune 500
corporation, and with 15 years of corporate training and program
development experience, Norma now maintains a national Energy
Psychotherapy practice in which she helps individuals transform their
lives and clear blocks from trauma, low self-image, lack of confidence,
mental and spiritual confusion, phobias, depression and anxiety. Norma
began on her spiritual path in 1988, met Sai Maa in 1998 and has been a
member of Sai Maa's Master Teacher Team since 2004 and a Personal
Session Practitioner since 2005. |
Michael Firsow
Catherine Gouret
Catherine has been working with Sai Maa since 1992, and became a
Master Teacher and personal session practitioner in 2005. "Sai Maa
awakened the spirituality within me and helped me become truly myself by
transforming my life one step at a time. I am fascinated by energy
work, for which I was trained in Bordeaux by Sai Maa and another
spiritual master."
Catherine is an engineer, specializing in management of progiciels,
Oracle Applications and SAP. She has been working within the same
computer corporation for 17 years. |
Shannon Hickey
Shannon Hickey has had a professional counseling and healing practice
since 1996. She works with clients nationally and internationally. Her
main areas of expertise are helping individuals integrate their personal
daily lives with their spiritual path and also working with beings on
nutritional and health concerns. Shannon's training consists of being a
teacher of Transcendental Meditation, a Certified Nutritional Consultant
and she has participated in a wide variety of spiritual training
courses that have also furthered her abilities. Shannon Met Her
Holiness, Sai Maa in 2000 and has been working with Sai Maa since. |
Michael F. Herrmann, Ph.D.
In 1973, Michael graduated with a traditional education in clinical
social work. However, he says that he found his "professional home" in
1982 when he was introduced to Hakomi Body-Centered Psychotherapy.
Hakomi works in a very deep, experiential way with a person's entire
being - body, mind, emotions and spirit. Michael has found that once a
client's emotional issues are explored and quieted, the spirit naturally
emerges. This allows him an opportunity to introduce some of the
transformational teachings and practices that he has learned from Sai
Michael has led workshops at numerous state and national conferences
and has taught the Hakomi Method to various groups of psychotherapy
professionals. He has also taught an "Introduction to Biofeedback and
Behavioral Medicine" to nursing students at DePauw University.
Michael became interested in Eastern philosophy and religion in 1976
and began a practice of Zen Buddhism in 1983. When he met Sai Maa in
January 2000, he felt like he had "won the cosmic lottery!" He knew then
that all his life experiences were leading him to that moment when Sai
Maa would ignite his consciousness and "send it on its cosmic journey."
He began training as a personal session practitioner in December 2000
and joined the Master Teacher team in Fall 2003.
In addition to his work with Sai Maa, Michael is a student of "kyudo"
(Japanese Archery). Kyudo is a martial art that has been called
"standing Zen." He has been a practitioner of this discipline since
April 1999. |
Joseph Klein
Joseph is teacher and healer from many traditions. Josephs gift is
his ability to channel the energies of light. This light manifests
itself in many ways, such as the healing of physical ailments and
emotional traumas. It also brings a blissful state of oneness, peace and
serenity. Joseph began his studies with energy in his adolescent years
receiving a black belt in Okinawan Kenpo. He was then chosen to receive a
series of sacred teachings from Sifu Randy Ford a Kung Fu/Chi Kung
energy master. Three years ago (2002) he went to Crestone, Colorado to
visit the monasteries. He was greeted at one of the monasteries by a
monk who, upon seeing him said, I have been waiting for you. After
receiving a blessing from the monk, Joseph experienced the oneness of
all creation with great intensity and, three days later, was literally
hit by a great light that created a radical and lasting shift in his
perception and experience of life.
Because of this experience, Joseph embarked upon a quest to understand
and know what this experience was. This journey led him to meet and
study with many masters. Sai Maa is one of his dearest and most precious
spiritual teachers. Joseph is so very pleased and honored to share the
gift of light he received and the gifts of the many paths he has come to
know through the Master Teacher program that Sai Maa makes possible by
the grace
of her healing, divine shakti. Joseph wishes us to know that this light
will lead us home, will return us to the remembrance of who we really
are. |
Yves-Robert Liard
Practitioner in Bioenergy and physical therapist in Bordeaux, France.
My spiritual path began with a journey in an ashram in India with Sai
Maa in fall 1995. During this journey, I understood that the goal of my
life is the spiritual path and that Sai Maa is my spiritual guide.
During the numerous journeys and intensives that followed with Sai Maa
in France, India and USA, my devotion for Her never failed to increase
and never stopped.
Recently (2005) Sai Maa offered me to become a Master Teacher, and I
receive this as a great gift. I express to Her all my gratitude for the
fabulous evolution in my life and for Her trust and the opportunity She
has given me to transmit Her Light.
Deane (Shivdhun) Mock
Shivdhun has been teaching meditation/self-improvement courses since
1973. He has been in charge of two prison self-improvement programs
since 2000, has been a sound/production manager since 1999, and has been
the owner/manager of a $1M painting company since 1989. Shivdhun has
been with Sai Maa since 2001, and as he says, "that's a lot!" He
currently serves as one of Sai Maa's Personal Assistants as well as one
of Humanity In Unity's Audio/Visual Leads. |
Rachael Peizer
Rachael met Sai Maa in June of 1998 and has been a devoted student of
Sai Maas ever since. She has a strong passion to share all that she has
received from Sai Maa with as many beings as possible. Rachael has been
the co-lead for the Bay Area Sai Maa community since 2003 and hosts and
leads regular meditations from her home in Richmond, California (East
Bay Sai Maa Center). She has been a physical therapist since 1996 and
practices out of Berkeley California with a specialty in Myofascial
Release and Craniosacral Therapy. Rachael joined the Master Teaching
Team in 2005. |
George Riemer
George is the Co-Lead of the Humanity In Unity Master Teacher Team.
He met Sai Maa in 1999 and has been a member of the Master Teacher Team
as well as a Personal Session Practitioner since 2002. George has also
served on the Unity Council, Humanity In Unity's Board of Directors,
since 2001.
George has had a serious daily spiritual practice since 1970. George
is also a Reiki practitioner, and he also has studied with Maharishi
Mahesh Yogi, Karunamayi and others.
George works in Oregon as a Financial Advisor, and jokes (maybe he's not
joking!) that he has a "Lifetime Pass to the Great Central Sun." |
Michelle Riemer
It seems this life has been a journey of returning to Sai Maa. I have
22 years of holistic health and healing arts study and certification,
as well as Taoist study and certification. I have 32 years of meditation
and related study in the U.S., India and Bali. I first saw Sai Maa with
my physical eyes in 1998 at an intensive in Redding Ca. Since then I
have traveled and studied with Sai Maa in Israel, Egypt and India as
well as in the U.S.
It has been an honor to serve as a personal session practitioner and
teacher since 2000. I currently reside in Bend, Oregon where I co -
teach a weekly meditation group and I live part time in Crestone,
Colorado. |
Mary Sise
Mary was raised in a traditional Irish Catholic Family,
with a very strong devotion to the Blessed Mother. Although as a child,
she was never exposed to different spiritual traditions, she has spent
years studying truth and healing. She was introduced to Sai Maas
teachings in 2001, and resonated strongly with the message of love,
humanitarian service and global enlightenment.
I am just continually amazed the deep levels of peace and love I have
been able to feel since I met Sai Maa. As I continue to let go of my
fears, every area of my life is being transformed.
Mary is a licensed clinical Social Worker with a private practice in the
Albany, New York area. In addition to being traditionally trained, she
integrates Energy Psychology methods into my practice and presents at
conferences both nationally and internationally on using these methods
with trauma survivors. She has trained hundreds of clinicians in these
methods and has produced numerous training videos. In 2004 she started
The Center for Integrative Psychotherapy, Inc. as a way to sponsor
conferences and trainings on topics that integrate mind/body and spirit.
Gerald Staggs
Gerald is a builder of consciousness who has worked in the
construction industry for 30 years. Sai Mas grace and understanding have
provided Gerald the means by which to continually grow on his spiritual
path. Gerald is honored to share Sai Mas teachings so that others are
able to see that we are here to love and to hold light with conscious
awareness so we each re-mem-ber who we truly are and why we are all here
Geralds commitment is to travel where he is called to assist people in
raising their vibration and awareness through truth and love. |
David Tresemer, Ph.D.
David Tresemer has a doctorate in psychology, and has written in many
areas, ranging from The Scythe Book: Mowing Hay, Cutting Weeds, and
Harvesting Small Grains with Hand Tools to a book about mythic theatre,
War in Heaven: Accessing Myth Through Drama. With his wife, Lila, he has
co-authored several plays produced in the United States, including My
Magdalene (winner of Moondance 2004, Best Script). He co-founded the
StarHouse Centre in Boulder, Colorado, for community gatherings and
workshops of various kinds - from music to personal development - in
1990 (www.TheStarHouse.org).
With William Bento and Robert Schiappacasse, he has co-authored Signs
in the Heavens: A Message for Our Time, about the comets Hyakutake and
Hale-Bopp and their crossing of the mysterious and ominous star, Algol.
With his wife, he co-founded Healing Dreams Retreat Centre in Australia (www.HealingDreams.com.au ). He has also founded the Star Wisdom website (www.starwisdom.org
)). He is presently working on The Sun's Gift: The Oracle of the Solar
Crosses, an oracle relating to the heavenly imprint on a person's day of
birth. |
Lila Sophia Tresemer
Lila Sophia Tresemer is a photographer and multi-media producer;
Training Facilitator; Playwright; Trans denominational Minister and
President of All Seasons Chalice/The StarHouse. She is the Co-Founder of
The Path of the Ceremonial Arts, a training for women in Ceremonial
Remembrance since 1998. This program extends internationally to women in
the US, Israel and Australia. She lives with her partner/husband,
David, both in Boulder, Colorado and Tasmania, Australia, where they
have a healing retreat
Lila began her spiritual journey in relation to the Divine Mother at
an early age, and served as a teacher in one of the early 'mystery
schools' in the early 1970's. She met Sai Maa, and recognized her as an
incarnation of the Divine Mother, in 2003. She has been a Master Teacher
since October of 2004, and has been active in a spiritual practice
since 1969. |
Steve Wechsler
Dr. Steve, as his patients call him, has been in practice for over 17
years in Syracuse NY. He practices both Chiropractic and Ayurveda. His
travels have taken him to India and abroad 6 times to study Ayurveda as
well as visit the Ashram of Sri Sathya Sai Baba. He passion is to
educate and to wake people up to a new reality. He has hosted the Wake
Up Show for over 4 years as well as a popular nutrition show on WSYR
radio. He has studied and worked with great souls such as Anthony
Robbins, Dr. Donald Epstein, Dr. Deepak Chopra, Dr. Vasant Lad, and most
recently has been a consultation doctor on Dr. Pankaj Narams U.S. Team.
Dr. Steves has taught his Simply Ayurveda as Chiropractic Workshops now
on 3 continents to thousands of beings. He meet Sai Maa with Dr. Naram
last year and has brought both Sai Maa and her Master Teachers to
Syracuse on numerous occasions. He became a Master Teacher in May 2005
A 1988 graduate of Palmer College of Chiropractic in Davenport, Iowa,
Dr. Wechsler has been in practice as a Chiropractor at his present
location in Syracuse, NY for fifteen years. He has worked in conjunction
with the Holistic Center of CNY which offers many holistic therapies as
well as traditional treatment. Before coming to Syracuse, Dr. Wechsler
was a staff member of Anthony Robbins motivational seminars. He has
taught Network Chiropractic seminars throughout the nation and also in
Canada and gives talks, lectures and speeches to various groups on
health and wellness.
In recent years, Dr. Wechsler has traveled to India to study
Spiritual matters and Ayurveda. He holds a Mind/Body Medicine
certificate from the Sharp Institute which was presented by Dr. Deepak
Chopra. He Has personally studied with some of the most talented minds
in the world Dr. Pankaj Naram, Dr. Deepak Chopra, Dr. Vasant Lad, Dr.
Donald Epstein. Steve is host of Wake Up with Dr. Stephen Wechsler on
WSYR, co-host on WSYR the Nutritional Insight Show and radio host WFBL
the Second opinion show. Dr. Steve, as his practice members call him,
has a nine year old son. |
Kelly Williams
Kelly is co-leader of Sai Maas activities in France. Kelly came into
contact with Sai Maa through one of the Master Teachers, and from
knowingness immediately dedicated herself to working with Sai Maa. Kelly
met Sai Maa in person shortly thereafter. Kelly joined the teaching
team and personal session practitioner team in 2005.
Kelly has a studio in Paris where she teaches yoga and meditation,
and leads spiritual trainings and group meditations. Kelly's training
consists of being a teacher of Primordial Sound Meditation, Seven
Spiritual Laws of Yoga, and Engaging the Seven Spiritual Laws of
Success. She continues her yoga studies with great teachers, such as
Monique Cabeza in France (Hatha Yoga), Beryl Bender Birch and Tim Miller
in the US (Ashtanga Yoga), and during her travels in India. Kelly is
bi-lingual English/French, a French lawyer and Texas CPA, with 21 years
legal experience in France. Kelly served as a partner with one of the
top global accounting firms and an international law firm, specializing
in cross-border mergers & acquisitions. |
Mona Winfrey
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